Our Services

Worship is central to the Christian life, and the core of our church's life.  Our services follow the pattern below:

Holy Communion 02.jpg

Communion, 9am
Our first service of the day is Communion - a reflective service of readings, talk and prayers in contemporary language. Each week we focus on some aspect of the Christian faith and its relevance to the world in which we live.

Sunday Live, 10:30 am
Our second service is Sunday Live! - a relaxed and informal service for people of all ages with readings, a talk, prayers and music. The first part of the service is often focussed on the children, who are then free to go out to their own Sunday Clubs (ages 3-11).  The service lasts around an hour and you are welcome to join with us in person in the church building or online. On the third Sunday of the month, we have brunch together between our 9am and 10.30am services. The 10.30am service takes a more informal framework with everyone together for sung worship, prayer, a short talk and activities.


Walking Church, 3pm (Winter/Spring) / 4pm (Summer/Autumn)
Taking place generally on the first Sunday of every month, Walking Church is an informal gathering for all ages – including walking together in and around our local community or nature reserve, prayers or activities, and refreshments.

Check out our Facebook page for upcoming occasional services or changes to our usual pattern.

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