What We Believe

The following provides a brief summary of the beliefs we hold about God and his world.

  1. As a part of the Church of England we affirm the faith uniquely revealed in the Bible and set out in the Church’s creeds.

  2. We believe in the God who has revealed himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  3. We believe that Jesus Christ, as fully God and fully human, lived, died and rose again to open to all the way of salvation.  This salvation is received as a free gift (grace) through faith in him.

  4. We believe the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit.  For this reason, it is entirely trustworthy in what it tells us about God, contains all we need to know to lead us to God, and is the Church’s final authority in matters of life and faith. But, as the Church, we need each other to help us understand the words it contains, and when we disagree, we’ll do so graciously.

  5. We believe that the Church is a community called into being by God in order to worship him, make known the good news of Jesus Christ, and meet the needs of a broken world.  In order to fulfil this calling we need to display his character in all our words and actions and use the gifts and resources he has given us for his glory.

  6. We believe that Baptism and Holy Communion provide visible signs of the Good News of Jesus and, by God’s grace, make real what they signify.  

  7. We believe that God created all things, and has made human beings - people of every race, gender, and orientation - in his own image.  As such, all life, truth, holiness and beauty come from him, and every human life is valuable beyond measure.

  8. We believe that God calls humanity to be good stewards of creation.  As such, the Church must be at the forefront of meeting human need, challenging evil, promoting justice, and caring for our world’s natural environment, creatures and resources.

  9. We believe that one day Jesus will finally establish forever his reign over a renewed heaven and earth.

If there's anything here that you’d like to talk about then please contact Debs, our vicar, who'll be happy to help.

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